The Shocking Response When KFC gone “Vegetarian”

2 min readAug 30, 2019


KFC partnered with Beyond Meat and Launched Beyond Fried Chicken

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) partnered with Beyond Meat experimented the first Plant-Based fried mock-chicken called “Beyond fried Chicken”in Atlanta and the result they got is really surprising…

KFC Tested plant-based fried chicken naming it Beyond Fried chicken in Atlanta which is sold out in about five hours only, Which surprised the brand. They revealed that the vegan fried chicken sold out in five hours is equivalent of what we sell KFC chicken popcorn in one week.

KFC Sold out Plant based beyond fried chicken in five hours only

What they did is, they painted the Parkway location in bright green and formed a Beyond Fried Chicken advertisement board to promote its vegan chicken option, as resulted it attracted a huge crowd covering around two city blocks and bumper-to-bumper cars.
That was amazing. Isn’t?

People Reacted on social media –

KFC beyond fried chicken ideas is appreciated by the people

People Tried and posted their reviews on the twitter, here is what they said —

This Beyond Fried Chicken is now available in Atlanta from 27 august 19 which is for a limited time period in the form of nuggets and the boneless fried chicken and the price is between USD1.99 (S$2.77) and USD12 (S$16.68).

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